Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Omigods !

Die Walkure reminds us that being a god isn't all it's cracked up to be, so, as I joked to my group this morning, I guess that means I'll have to recalibrate my plans....

We were treated to an outstanding performance last night.  The cast uniformly excellent, notably Adrianne Pieczonka as Sieglinde and Rene Pape as Hunding.  Pieczonka had not been on my operadar screen, but she sure is now----beautiful, fine actress, and a voice that filled the house and practically upstaged the other characters in the drama whenever she appeared onstage. Albert Dohmen continued his run this week as an exceptional Wotan and appears to be heir apparent to James Morris (we hope).  Now, as to Placido Domingo----well, I love the charisma and the man but his Siegmund this year (at least) will not find a place in opera legend and lore.  

As I mentioned to Carmine as we were leaving last night's performance, Wagner must have loved the sound of female ensemble voices, because some of the greatest music ever written for small ensembles has been composed by him for them----last night's Valkyries were inspiring.

Wagner's humanity and compassion manifest so clearly to me through these first 2 operas, particularly through Wotan, who transcends the divine and human planes, both by his actions and his deep internal struggles.  Only halfway through and tonight is a respite for rest and lower back recovery....

Stay tuned !

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