Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Old arrangements, structures, rules, portfolios, org, charts, you name it---all getting purged and cleansed these days, everywhere I look.  Globally, as well as domestically.

It's a good thing.  We must ensure that the people are protected and compensated for the worst of the financial catastrophe that looms ahead.  But, let's cross our fingers that sweeping change, which seems to be the order of the day, crosses into our political system, too.  And that means the legislative as well as executive branches.  Can't we invite them all to leave?

I always thought I was one who welcomes change, but I'm not really.  I orchestrate it professionally, every day.  But I am still captive to my own set of old arrangements and old ideas in much of my personal life. 

Time for some purging of my own.  That gets underway shortly.....

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